We are busy in the media center with several new research and technology projects. First of all, 3rd graders are finishing up a research unit on U.S. regions. Currently, they are placing the information they have researched into a newspaper format. These should be complete within a couple of weeks.
4th graders have been busy with digital storybook projects. They have created their own stories with themselves as the main characters. The illustrations are still shots of them that will align with the story. A couple of great pics are show above.
8th graders have been busy meshing critical thinking skills and deepening their Biblical worldview by doing comparison and contrast research of the major world religions. From the questions that they have raised, I have no doubt that this has been an amazing learning experience. I appreciate all Miss Rudolph's effort in setting up this project. It is quite amazing for me to work alongside someone that I previously taught. Makes me know it is all worth it.