Friday, January 20, 2012

What's Going on in the Media Center

Fourth graders have been busy researching volcanoes and preparing lessons to share with Kindergarten and 1st grade students. After completing their online and print research, they began preparing essential questions and lesson plan packets that they will share with younger students in the near future. They are excited to switch roles and become the teacher for awhile. By the way, if anyone needs a lesson in how to write essential questions or layout lesson plans, I can refer you to quite a few fourth graders who can help you. Meanwhile, 2nd graders are completing their unit on writing fantasy stories. They will use these for read alouds during Kindergarten library classes. Third graders have finished up their Evansville History unit by developing an "Evansville Live" newcast. View an example below. Well, that's all for now. Shelly

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Non-Fiction Additions

With the educational movement to Common Core Standards, we find it all the more important to emphasize non-fiction reading via our A.R. program. Recently, we have added quite a lot of biographies and auto-biographies to our selection. Including those shown above: Through My Eyes; Unbroken; and Through My Eyes Young Readers Edition.