Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Searching the ECS Library from Your Kitchen Table

Many times, I am approached and asked if our library has a certain book, video, or audio book.  Even though I have worked in the library for the past three years, I still do not know every item that we have to offer (since we have over 15,000), so where do I go.......our library catalog.  Our library catalog is online and is accessible from any computer with internet connection.  Not only will you find every item available in our library, but you can also search the title peak page for our top 10 books, read reviews, and set up your own page to reserve books, form your own library shelf, and develop your own reviews.  In order to set up your own page, you just need to know your library patron number which we can provide to you.  Currently, we are in the research phase of determing the feasibility of adding an ebook lending service to our library.  We will keep you informed of the progress in this area.  To access our online catalog, go to:  Have fun searching.